

Dios hizo el campo, y el hombre, la ciudad.
William Cowper.
Steinsel (Luxembourg). Septiembre de 2007.

6 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

What a pity that God made the man....

Anónimo dijo...

Thanks God he made the woman...

Anónimo dijo...

:D Absolutely right.
When I see those of cornfields I cannot help thinking of all the CAP subsidies filling up the already full pockets of Luxemburgese farmers...

Diego Zurdo dijo...

Well, some of the consequences of the CAP subsidies were low prices and security on food supplies for european consumers... Now it seems that the growing presure of WTO to liberalize markets is gonna provide food only to those who have the money to pay for it...

El Pais, 18/12/2007.
Faltan alimentos y cada vez son más caros. Así lo confirma el último informe de la Organización de Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO) que alerta de la situación “imprevisible y muy preocupante” a la que tiene que hacer frente el mundo en los próximos años. Según el estudio Perspectivas Alimentarias, la cantidad de alimentos en el planeta está descendiendo rápidamente, mientras que los precios de los productos crecen hasta niveles históricos.

Anónimo dijo...

CAP was providing cheap food for us Europeans who didn't and don't have any problem in facing raising prices of basic products. And, in the meantime, it was also partially preventing the development of the agricultural sector in poor countries, therefore threatening the livelihoods of many farmers in those places.
Anyway, up to now I didn't hear any convincing explanation of late increases in food prices: I cannot really believe it was because of biofuels, is only a small part of the whole demand on cereals.

Anónimo dijo...

How! Now it is not a blog about photography but about the CAP...!

Well... several comments...
-Agriculture in most of the developing countries is in hands of a few companies that explote their workers for a minimum salary and that take advantage of their "latifundios" and they weak legislation on social and environmental issues. Ex. Sugar in Brazil.
-Not all europeans are so welthy to not take care of the price of a basic need like food. People with a mortage, for example, or widows with their low pension do really have problems...
-CAP has been provided of higher prices to ACP and PVD countries (countries poorer and weeker that the big exporters as Brasil or Argentina), who now face more problems that before due to the contraints that WTO has imposed to EU (decrease on export subsidies and guaranteed prices).

It is really an interesting debate...
